The Corn Maze
Have you ever ventured through corn or fed a long-horned goat with just your bare hands. Well you can now. At the Corn Maze you could do every one of those things and even more. You can venture through various amounts of corn mazes. But be warned. You may get lost so be careful to get a map and follow its simple directions. The corn maze is located at 4443 Grave Run Rd, Manchester, Maryland. The name is called Maizefest. It's fun but its several rules you must follow . The rules are not to pick the corn, don't run through the maze, don't cross through the colored lines and don't smoke. Disobey even one rule you will be asked to leave the maze immediately. So I advise you to just follow the rules so you don't miss out on some of the fun. The corn maze will be very long and will put your following and mapping skills to the test.
After the corn maze, you can go to the go-cart area. That part is a great place to bring children 6 to 10 years old. Kids can help each other on the track, test friendships, race with other people or each other. They also have a part where you can feed some goats for 50 cents. They are behind a large gate where you can reach out your hand and feed them. There are also different types of animals in the back like horses, cows and llamas. There is a hay ride if you want to get to a different area and you don't feel like walking. After you have visited the corn maze you will want to go there again. This will be one of the trips that will make you go and say that was one of the most fun places you've gone.
John X. Wood is a 6th grader at Friendship Blow Pierce Academy.