Strengthening The School: Men Of Valor


MARCH 20, 2014.  Men of Valor is a club that mentors young men to become role models in society. This club motivates young men to persevere in order to accomplish their short and long term goals. Men of Valor molds young men into positive role models for our school and neighborhood.

Men of Valor also teaches young men how to be exemplar through actions and experiences. Members participate in workshops and professional development. The young men also help clean up the community through community service projects. Recently, Men of Valor performed during the Tech Prep Black History program.

The club is run by Mr. Collazo and Mr. Shakan. Mr. Shakan runs the middle school program and Mr. Collazo runs the high school program. Mr. Shakan says, “This club is about high performing young men who we mentor in order to prepare them for high school and college.”

I believe all schools should have programs like this. These programs take young black men away from the negative claws of society. Knowing the history of black men and their struggle, we should all learn how to empower the black men of tomorrow.

Men of Valor is held on Wednesday’s in Mr.Collazo’s room in the main building.

Katherine Hunter is a freshman at Friendship Tech Prep Academy.